Does your business have a solution to support that buying process?
In today's world, buyers/customers have all the power. Think about the process you went through the last time you made a purchase. Did you call up a salesperson, asking to buy? OR did you hop online and do some research? I'd be willing to bet you did the latter. This process that you involved before making a purchase is customer's journey. Mapping customer's journey, tooling & tracking around it is a challenge here for SMB's. It's a question you need to answer, "Does your business have a solution to support that buying process?"
If not, it's time for you to join in and empower such tools for your business & growth will follow.
How do I attract strangers to my site?
"Does your business have a solution to support that buying process?" we understand the importance of customer's journey. In this blog, we will try to understand "How do I attract strangers to my site?". Core efforts need to be on attract, convert & close. You can start it by having most important tools like blogging, optimizing your website, and social media. They are the one which are like chocolates or ice-creams for your customers looks at. Once you've attracted new visitors, the next step is to convert some of them into leads by gathering their contact information. In order for your visitors to offer up that currency, willingly, you'll need their email addresses to offer them something. Here, tools you need the most is a customized CRM app for your business process which helps you to get that 'Payment'. That 'Payment' comes in the form of offers, like eBooks, whitepapers, or tip sheets - whatever information would be interesting and valuable to your prospects.
How do I convert visitors to customers?
we understood about : Having a solution to support buyer's journey & attracting customers to your site. Now it's time to transform those leads into customers. We call it as 'Close stage', where you decide potential buyers. In this process, you need to make phone calls, send emails, chatting or providing references etc.. After that, you will have a view on how much revenue your company can make from each customers thorough what you have offered based on your customer's interest. In the close stage, tools like email and a CRM can be used to help sell to the right leads at the right time.
How to collect payment from customers?
we understood about : mapping buyers journey, attracting visitors to your site & converting them into customers. Now it's time to collect payments from your customers - It's exciting movement. We call it as 'Customer Success stage', where you customer is willingly make a payment for your offerings. Now, Customers at this stage need easy, compliance issue free & transparent payment options. Customer pockets are here:
Cash/Card Payment - People love to count cash or swipe card to make a payment.
Mobile payment - People use smartphone to make payment.
Online payment - People use internet/net-banking facility to make payment.
Paypal Express checkout - People use paypal account to make payment throung an e-mail.
Business needs:
Your website should be able to handle PCI - Compliance issues.
Your CRM must to able to have a record of payment transactions.
You need to have process automation on sending Bills, subscriptions, usage details, next-billing date, due date etc..
Your website payment page need to speak with your CRM all time - 24/7.
Your CRM need to support customer queries.
There are many ways your CRM can help you in this regard.